
A Flock of Black Swans? Strategies to Protect & Grow Wealth Mid-21st Century

A Flock of Black Swans? Strategies to Protect & Grow Wealth Mid-21st Century

Camarda Wealth Advisory Group
Camarda Wealth Advisory Group

Here’s just a couple of the wealth rescue themes I developed in my Amazon bestseller, Financial Storm Warning for Investors. They could really help you to prosper in difficult times.

Learn to invest tactically – market timing works if you get the timing right

Embrace the sort of Cramer-style technical trading that could enable you to not only skirt the devastation, but actually prosper through what might be the worst market bubble in a generation. Use indicators like support and resistance levels.

Most advisors and investors seem to be clueless on this skill set, but in my view your asset allocation needs entirely new thinking to have any hope of downside protection to preserve your wealth.

The buy and hold/hold and pray textbook approach may turn out to be dangerously naive, and you should commit to learning or finding a methodology to make money in any market, and gain more than a fair shot at beating it.

Acquire inflation-resistant assets

Study and accumulate the sort of assets that are likely to withstand and grow through inflation. And please, don’t knee-jerk yourself punch-drunk by saying real estate. That’s so 1970’s, and COVID has zoomed much of the real estate pantheon into the same barn where they keep the buggy whips. Commercial real estate like office and retail especially have been damaged by a changing world, perhaps forever. 

The work-at-home and shopping online trends are probably permanently embedded in a changed society.

Dig deeper into this blog for more enlightened paths to inflation-proofing your assets.

Get tax-savvy – the master wealth skill

Tax is indeed the master wealth skill, and the reason that as a PhD – where I thought to finish my 40 years of higher education – I went on to get a Masters in Tax Law from Georgetown Law.  There is no bigger club in the wealth toolbox than tax. I have made a lifelong study of it, and even I feel compelled to sharpen the saw.

Showing you how to protect your wealth from the acid of tax – and you will be amazed at what you learn and how valuable it is! – is probably the most important thing my blog, webinars and other wealth education can teach you. I mean, rocket-fuel is important! So please keep digging and learning.

This gathering triumvirate of dark forces –  a potentially devastating market bubble, the return of persistent inflation and confiscatory taxes – could be so dangerous, and critically urgent, that you really should study proactive steps to protect your wealth for you and your family.

Many fortunes may be swept away. Do all you can to keep  yours safe and sheltered from the storm.

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