
Webinar: Major Money Mistakes ​Most Millionaires Make

Webinar: Major Money Mistakes ​Most Millionaires Make

Camarda Wealth Advisory Group
Camarda Wealth Advisory Group

Advanced Wealth Webinar:

Major Money Mistakes Most Millionaires Make And How to Fix Them Before It’s Too Late

This webinar, designed by Dr. Jeff Camarda PhD, who has made a lifetime study of advanced wealth management, will focus on two key elements:

1. Because estate taxes are set to effectively double in 2025, you’re running out of time to make the moves that can protect up to $40M from this 40% wealth tax.
2. And with the stock market showing many signs of pre-crash froth, we’ll talk about techniques that might help avoid big losses without sacrificing juicy target returns.

Besides that, we will hit on potential fixes for the many major money mistakes you may be making. So pay close attention! You will learn dozens of shrewd tips to drive potential millions more in family wealth.

When you’re ready, go here to sign up for $4,500 of Free PhD Advice which will cover:

1. Customized estate review and estate tax avoidance plan.
2. A portfolio risk stress test and investment Protection Assessment
3. Wealth 360° Assessment/Rx for Major Money Mistakes

Besides portfolio protection and estate tax control advice, the wealth 360 will also cover these other areas:

1. Income Tax reduction
2. Asset Protection
3. Estate Plan Review & Trust Optimization
4. Retirement planning
5. ROTH Conversion Advice
6. Real Estate/Business
7. Fiduciary Investments Review
8. Much more depending on your fact pattern


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