
Wealth Done Right!

We have a raging passion to educate and counsel on wealth best practices. Schedule a strategy session to learn how our fee-only wealth planning and capital management can brighten your future.

Named “Top Advisor” by Barron’s, Forbes & Financial Advisor Magazine

The Total Wealth Care Camarda Difference

We think you’ll discover we’re quite different, and well worth getting to know.

Real Fiduciary

Camarda is a rare “dedicated fiduciary” advisor you can trust. We are legally bound to put your interests first. We accept no compensation besides the fully disclosed fees our clients pay us for work they ask us to do. Find out more.

Peerless Expertise

Among many other credentials, Camarda has PhDs, IRS-admitted tax practitioners, and CFA®s on our team. The CFA® is recognized as the “gold standard” for investment expertise. Less than 2% of advisors have it. Find out more.

Total Wealth Care®

We are experts in tax reduction strategy, estate planning and trusts, asset protection, real estate, insurance, business planning, and more. So far as we know, no other advisor offers this depth and bandwidth of expertise. Find out more.

Active Management

While the market’s long-term trend is up, sometimes severe plunges occur that can be devastating – especially in or near retirement. Unlike most advisors, we watch the markets closely to help protect you from losses. Find out more.

Real Fiduciary

Camarda is a rare “dedicated fiduciary” advisor you can trust. We are legally bound to put your interests first. We accept no compensation besides the fully disclosed fees our clients pay us for work they ask us to do. Find out more.

Peerless Expertise

Among many other credentials, Camarda has PhDs, IRS-admitted tax practitioners, and CFA®s on our team. The CFA® is recognized as the “gold standard” for investment expertise. Less than 2% of advisors have it. Find out more.

Total Wealth Care®

We are experts in tax reduction strategy, estate planning and trusts, asset protection, real estate, insurance, business planning, and more. So far as we know, no other advisor offers this depth and bandwidth of expertise. Find out more.

Active Management

While the market’s long-term trend is up, sometimes severe plunges occur that can be devastating – especially in or near retirement. Unlike most advisors, we watch the markets closely to help protect you from losses. Find out more.

Real Fiduciary

Camarda is a rare “dedicated fiduciary” advisor you can trust. We are legally bound to put your interests first. We accept no compensation besides the fully disclosed fees our clients pay us for work they ask us to do. Find out more.

Peerless Expertise

Among many other credentials, Camarda has PhDs, IRS-admitted tax practitioners, and CFA®s on our team. The CFA® is recognized as the “gold standard” for investment expertise. Less than 2% of advisors have it. Find out more.

Total Wealth Care®

We are experts in tax reduction strategy, estate planning and trusts, asset protection, real estate, insurance, business planning, and more. So far as we know, no other advisor offers this depth and bandwidth of expertise. Find out more.

Active Management

While the market’s long-term trend is up, sometimes severe plunges occur that can be devastating – especially in or near retirement. Unlike most advisors, we watch the markets closely to help protect you from losses. Find out more.

Dr. Jeff Camarda

has been a nationally ranked wealth advisor for decades

is an award-winning academic researcher

is a bestselling author and market analyst

regularly publishes a column on Advanced Wealth in Forbes

has been featured repeatedly in the Wall Street Journal

is regularly interviewed by Bloomberg, Smart Money, and many more

has been a nationally ranked wealth advisor for decades

is an award-winning academic researcher

is a bestselling author and market analyst

regularly publishes a column on Advanced Wealth in Forbes

has been featured repeatedly in the Wall Street Journal

is regularly interviewed by Bloomberg, Smart Money, and many more

Total Wealth Care  Integrated Services

Click one of our “family office” 360-degree specializations to learn more.

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Get Truly Bespoke Wealth Care

Schedule a strategy session with us and find out what Camarda can do for you.