
Camarda Wealth Blog

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The Pros and Cons of 401k Rollovers

We often get questions on the wisdom of rolling over from a 401k. Here’s a deep dive on the subject. When people change jobs or retire, one of the biggest challenges is deciding if it’s smart to rollover at 401(k)-type…
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Last Minute Tax Tips & Tactics – Part I

Ah, it’s March again, and the tax madness musters anew. For those who yearn to file by April 17th, the pressure begins to build. Before the mad dash takes off in earnest in just a few short weeks, you may…
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Annuities Investment Advice

As most clients know, Camarda does not typically recommend annuities. Still, this material may be helpful as a refresher, or to pass on to someone you care about. In most of the cases we’ve seen, the products are very expensive,…
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