
Retirement & Family Wealth Risks

Camarda Wealth Advisory Group
Retirement Planning

I don’t want to be an alarmist, but I am called to do all in my power to get your attention, so you may protect your wealth for you and your family.

Family Wealth – The Life Freedom Tool

I am talking about your family wealth. The engine that fuels your life, your lifestyle, your ability to stay healthy, live longer, help your kids and grandkids get educated and in other ways. Your fuel to enjoy a long and comfortable retirement, free from worries of scrimping or even running out

Your money is the fuel of your life. It is the tool that gives you freedom and choices. It is the bedrock of civilized comfort.

Just think, for a moment, what your future would look like if your wealth was taxed to a thin shadow of its current value, if government benefits like Social Security disappeared or were taxed away or otherwise cut way back because you are not poor enough, or if the stock and bond markets began a years-long crash you could not live long enough to recover from.

Do I have your attention?

Big Risks to Retirement & Family Wealth

Because there is a medium to high risk that some of these – or all of these and then some – may come home to roost in the very near future.

Am I sure of this? Of course not. Am I really worried about it?

You betcha. I began making these predictions just after COVID hit, and sadly many of them – collected in my last book Financial Storm Warning for Investors – have already come to pass.

I’ve devoted my life to advanced wealth study out of a burning desire to build and keep wealth for my own family, and I worry a lot about yours.

This truly could be the most important blog post you ever read, in terms of keeping your life on the track you hope and dream for it.

There are many dangers that have surrounded you, probably without your noticing. In my many decades of wealth study and professional practice, I have never had so many dark forces lined up, or ever before been inclined to forecast the potential for an investors’ perfect storm.

So hear this!

An Investors’ Perfect Storm?

I continue to see a number of troubling mega-trends that could prove highly hazardous to your wealth and upend your financial goals.

Is an investors’ perfect storm brewing? Could you run out of money? Those at or near the magic retirement years should take heed, as should all those concerned with retirement income. Those affected include all generations, not just the obvious (and most exposed) baby boomers.

Consider the out-of-the-park record levels of national debt, the looming bankruptcies of Social Security and Medicare, and the high risk that the Fed’s tools won’t be able to stem a long and likely period of continuing inflation.

Could all these dark forces trigger an economic cataclysm or even another Depression? Could they trigger the mother of all long-term bear markets? Could these conditions swallow your financial plan, eviscerate your investments, and destroy your retirement?

I surely hope not, but consider some of the threats facing today’s investors I write about in my next post, The 3 Big Risks Investors Face Now.


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The 3 Big Risks Investors Face Now

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